Federal Minister for National Food Security and Industries and Production, Rana Tanveer Hussain, emphasized the pivotal role of research and modern technology in unlocking the full potential of Pakistan’s agriculture sector.

During his visit to the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Minister Rana Tanveer underscored the importance of evaluating research standards. He reiterated the government’s commitment to prioritizing the welfare of farmers and agricultural development.

Highlighting the significance of quality seed supply in enhancing crop yield, the Minister stressed the critical role of research and modern technology across all spheres of agriculture.

He affirmed the government’s dedication to providing farmers with necessary resources, particularly emphasizing the priority of ensuring access to healthy, non-toxic fertilizers through modern technology.

Minister Rana Tanveer called upon federal and provincial governments, as well as research institutions, to collaborate effectively for the advancement of the agriculture sector. He emphasized the need for concerted efforts by agricultural experts and scientists to boost agricultural production per acre.

Recognizing the urgent need to leverage modern technology for achieving food self-sufficiency, the Minister highlighted Pakistan’s vast potential for increasing agricultural production.

Minister Rana Tanveer emphasized that progress in the agricultural sector would significantly contribute to bolstering the country’s economy, particularly through exports. He stressed the importance of developing scientific methods in agriculture to enhance crop yield and modernize the economy.

With over 70% of Pakistan’s population directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, Minister Rana Tanveer emphasized the imperative of adopting modern technology to ensure sustainable food security and increase crop yield.

Earlier, the Chairman of NARC provided a comprehensive briefing to Federal Minister Rana Tanveer regarding the organization’s functions and operations.

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